5 Quick Travel Tips For Quebec City [2024 Update]

5 quick travel tips for Quebec City

I bet you’re eager to squeeze every ounce of goodness out of your Quebec City trip, especially if you’ve got a guided tour lined up. Remember, a savvy traveler is a happy traveler! Here are 5 travel tips straight from my stash to supercharge your stay in Quebec City. Dive in and make the most of your time here. Bon voyage!

5 Quick Travel Tips For Quebec City Travel [2024 Update]

Quebec city tour guide
Ready for your Quebec City Tour?

1-Our Quebec City tour tour is confirmed? Write down my phone number somewhere and bring it with you

Here, your smartphone might not have service, leaving you stranded without data. So, it’s wise to have an old-fashioned pen and paper handy. Write down my phone number—it could come in handy if anything unexpected pops up on the day of our tour. You’ll find my phone number on our tour confirmation. Plus, jotting down details like our meeting spot and tour time ensures you’re on track.

2-Learn some basic french

Yes, you’ll have to face it. Quebec City is 95% French speaking. But that doesn’t mean we do not speak English! In most restaurants and shops in the Old City, people will be happy to have a conversation with you in Shakespeare’s language. However, never take for granted that a Québécois speaks English. We all had to learn English in school and, for most of us, we never speak English at home. Just a little Bonjour and Merci makes a HUGE difference and people will love your English accent!

I really like Mark’s videos and I believe he does a great job here at giving good basic French expressions.

Do you need to be fluent in french to visit Quebec City?
No, you don’t! Discovering Quebec City’s linguistic landscape unveils a delightful blend of French and English, making it an accessible destination for all. While French is the official language, many locals can also communicate in English (at different levels), especially in urban areas, ensures seamless communication for visitors. Being able to communicate in English is encouraged by many in Quebec and English is a mandatory subject at school. Quebec City warmly welcomes those who make an effort to speak French, even if just for basic greetings (Bonjour, Merci, Au revoir… we love it when English speakers give it a try in French!). Although English-speaking Quebecers constitute a minority, their presence reflects the city’s appreciation for linguistic diversity, ensuring an enriching experience for all. From exploring historic sites to indulging in local cuisine, visitors can comfortably navigate the city in English. However, venturing beyond the bustling Old City may reveal fewer English speakers. Recognizing Quebec City’s unique identity, distinct from its European counterpart, promises an authentic and enriching cultural experience. With warm hospitality and charm, Quebecois eagerly welcome travelers, ensuring a memorable and delightful adventure in this captivating city.

3-Look at these wonderful posts I prepared for you on my blog

I have written several blog posts about things to do here in Quebec City, restaurants, pubs, etc. I also share tips and recommendations. Have a look!

Marie Pierre, guest and dog on quebec city tour
Bringing your dog along on my Quebec City tours is a treat! If you’re traveling with your furry friend, feel free to bring them along for the ride.

4-Visit Quebec Cite’s website

Quebec City’s tourism board, known as Quebec Cite, serves as the ultimate guide for exploring our enchanting destination. From blog posts to comprehensive travel guides and insider tips, their website is your go-to resource for planning an unforgettable stay in Quebec City. You wanna seek hidden gems or must-see attractions? Quebec Cite has you covered, ensuring every moment of your visit is filled with adventure and discovery.

5-Have a look at this check-list

Ready for our tour? Please read this checklist and be super-ready to have an amazing tour!

Voilà! You’re all set!

Those were my top 5 travel tips for exploring Quebec City! If you have any questions about our upcoming tour or need assistance planning your trip in Quebec, feel free to reach out to me via the contact form below. I’m here to assist you and make your experience unforgettable!

Marie-Pierre Lessard

Marie-Pierre Lessard

Quebec City Tour Guide and Blogger

In 2015, I launched my very own tour company, Nomad Tours Quebec. Specializing in personalized guided tours of the enchanting historic Quebec City, let me be your guide to exploring the essence of my beloved city!

Contact Me

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