5 tips to get ready for an amazing walking tour in 2024

girl with camera

Thank you for choosing me as your local tour guide in beautiful Quebec City. Here is how to prepare and make sure you are ready to have the most memorable experience ever. A good tourist, is a prepared tourist!

Disclaimer: I’m a native French speaker.  English is not my first language. I learned English at school, but I mostly learned it by watching to The Simpsons and listening to rock/metal music. So, I might have made a few mistakes in this blog post.  If I did, please tell me, its the best way I can improve!

Here’s 5 tips to get ready for an amazing walking tour with Nomad Tours Québec!


Weather in Québec City can change quickly throughout the day. It is advised to check the day’s forecast and dress accordingly. For cold days of winter, make sure to wear a hat, warm gloves and 2 or 3 layers of clothing. Please bring a bottle of water but always bring a camera and your smile.

2-Shoes, shoes, and shoes!

Due to the cobblestone streets in Old Québec, it is very important to have proper footwear that gives you support. Being comfortable is more important than style!


Are tours cancelled in case of bad weather (rain or snow)? No, your guide is not afraid of bad weather. Will you be visiting Quebec City during winter? Please watch this video made by my colleague Evelyne and learn how to dress up for extremely cold winter temperature.

In this video, Evelyne will show you exactly how to Layer for an EXTREMELY cold winter 

4-A suggestion

If the tour starts or ends in the lower-town, you may prepare $3.75 CAN (each person) to pay for the Funicular. We can also take (or climb) the stairs and street to get to the upper town but its very steep. The Funicular saves you the steep climb back up.

5-Ok. I’m at the meeting point. How do I recognize you?

I’m tall, have short brown hair and always wear my blue and white tour guide license. To help you recognize me, here’s my picture!

women with pumpkin

Will I be showing you Quebec City on a walking tour during your next stay here? I hope so! You can contact me and book a tour using the contact form below.
See you in Quebec City!


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